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Visit Tower of London

Tower of London is the historic fortress built by William the Conqueror during the 11 century. It is located in Central London and is one of the most important tourist attractions in the country. It is also the Queen’s royal fortress and the home to famous Crown Jewels. This white beautiful stone building was a symbol of power during the medieval period and embeds several important events from the British history. Several kings and members of the royal family have lived, fought and died in this fortress. In 1988, it was declared to be on UNESCO’s list of World Heritage Sites. The charity of Historic Royal Palaces maintains this remarkable gem from history.

Today the royals do not live here but this powerbase is used as a tourist attraction that gives a real taste of British heritage. The Crown Jewels are the most popular attraction in Tower of London. The Beefeaters, who live in the tower guard the jewels and entertain visitors with facts and stories about the Crown Jewels. They are also called as the Yeomen Warders are the fortress guards who also serve as tourist guides. Most of these jewels are from the 17th century and were newly displayed in the year 2012. Some of the most spectacular pieces of jewellery are the Imperial State Crown embossed with 2800 diamonds, the 105 carat diamond called Koh-I-Noor and the Sceptre of the Cross.

The Ceremony of Keys is another significant event that takes place every night at the Tower of London. This is a 700 year old tradition that indicated the locking of the gates that offer access to the Crown Jewels. This ceremony has been happening every night for the past 700 years and is quite a sight to behold. About 50 people are allowed to watch the event every night which happens between 9.30 to 10 PM. Another interesting fact about the Tower of London is the six ravens’ customs that is believed to be the reason for victory of the Royals. This place that has witnessed the execution of many has also reported some ghostly incidents especially during the late hours of the night.

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