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Luton to Gatwick

London is one of the busiest cities in the world. Traffic congestion are a common thing in this old English city. It is also home to one of the world’s busiest airport systems. Shuttling between busy airports across the city of raging traffic can be quite a task. Find out below the different ways to travel between the airports, Luton and Gatwick.


Luton is located in Bedfordshire, to the north of central London and is the country’s third largest and busiest airports preceded by London Gatwick. Gatwick is about 40 miles south of London and the distance between the two airports via road is about 72 miles. National Express coach connects the two airports directly; however it takes about 2 and half hours and is not the best option if your transit time is shorter than 5 hours. Another cheaper option would be to use one of the shuttle services such as the Terravision from Luton to Victoria station and then board the National Express coach to Gatwick. This works out to be cheaper but still its time consuming.


Trains are the fastest way of travelling from Luton to Gatwick. First Capital Connect trains connect the two places once in every 15 minutes. This frequency may however reduce during the late hours of the night. Luton airport unlike most other airports does not have a railway station. Therefore to board the First Capital Connect passengers are required to board the shuttle to Luton station. This train service is direct and takes slightly more than an hour to reach Gatwick.


If comfort comes before time and money then taxis are your way to travel from Luton to Gatwick. Taxis are definitely the most comfortable and luxurious way to travel in London. If London is not your destination but just a place of transit, then again taxis should be your choice of shuttling between the two airports. Apart from the comfort, taxis give you the opportunity to simply sit back and catch glimpses of some of the world’s best monuments and buildings. The 2 hour drive would be filled with spectacular views of this old English city.

London Airport Transfers
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