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Best Summer Travel Destinations in London

The best time to visit London is when the city is basking in glory under the beautiful rays of the sun. Loaded with colourful events and tourists from all over the world, the city tops the list of world’s favourite summer destinations. If you are travelling to London this summer, here is a list of places in London that offer perfect amusement for all tourists.

The Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew

The pleasant weather lets tourists feast their senses through the beautiful gardens at Kew. Royal Botanical Gardens proudly claims to be the home to largest collection of flora in the world. Spread across 130 hectares of parkland, the place has several attractions such as Georgian Royal Retreat, the Palm House Retreat and the Waterlily House.

The Trafalgar Square

Located right in the centre of the city and considered as the historic symbol of London is the Trafalgar Square. During summer, Trafalgar Square hosts a number of events that attracts tourists and Londoners of all kinds. The West End Live, Royal Opera House shows, the Eid Festival and Romeo and Juliet are some of the most anticipated shows of the year.

City Farms in London

Set among the modernised suburbs of London are the city farms that allows visitors to enjoy a sneak peek into the farming culture of the country. Summers are the best time to visit these farms with young children. The Spitafields Farm, Kentish Town Farm, Vauxhall City farm are some of the interesting ones that deserve the time and attention of tourists.

Rose Garden in Regent Park

While Regent Park is one of the must-see attractions on tourist itineraries, most of them often miss the Rose Garden located in the heart of the Inner Circle. The garden is called Queen Mary’s Gardens and it is nothing less than an extravaganza of colours during summer. It appeals to the eyes of all through motley of beautiful roses swaying in the breeze. The quiet lake with black swans and the sculpture park located in the garden make it an apt location for a summer picnic.

Buckingham Palace-Summer Opening

Every year during summer, Buckingham Palace features a special exhibition which highlights the exquisite royal collection of paintings, jewellery and other antiques. This year would be a special show to bring forth the secrets behind the preparations of royal events and celebrations. This is one of the most popular events of the year and tourists must visit the palace to enjoy the cultural heritage of the British Empire.

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