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Taxi from Heathrow to Aylesbury

London Heathrow Airport is the country’s most advanced of its kind. It is also the busiest airport in Europe. It serves more than 70 million passengers every year travelling to the country for business and leisure. The airport is located in the London Borough of Hillingdon and is about 15 miles away from Central London. It is home to five passenger terminals that are well equipped with shopping areas, food facilities and all basic amenities. Passengers can directly avail a taxi from Heathrow to Aylesbury at any one of these terminals.

Aylesbury is located in Buckinghamshire in the South Midlands. This place, which was previously a market town, is now one of the fastest growing trade centers in the country. The ride between Heathrow airport and Aylesbury is about 39 miles and can be covered in less than an hour.

Passengers can choose to travel between the two places by using either public transport or hiring a licensed taxi or minicab. Public transport from Heathrow to Aylesbury includes Coaches, Trains and Local buses. Most passengers prefer minicabs and taxis than public transport as they offer convenient transfers from point to point. It eases the tourist’s anxiety and helps them to stay calm. When travelling in groups, hiring a minicab or taxi from Heathrow makes the most economical sense.

First time tourists in London always prefer minicab services as it eases the stress of finding their way in a new city. Taxi services can be booked through online portals which are managed by the taxi service providers. The charge that you receive during booking is fixed and it is inclusive of waiting time and airport parking charge. You can avail special discounts by using your Credit or Debit card while booking taxis with Exclusive airports.

All taxis at Heathrow are licensed and all taxi drivers also hold a valid PCO license. They are the best option for travelling safely and promptly during all hours of the day. Book a taxi from Heathrow to Aylesbury and enjoy a safe and luxurious journey.

Time & Distance

London Airport Transfers
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